How to chose the right color for your carpet

One of the most common questions we receive here at CarpetVista is how to choose the right color of carpet for a room. This can be a tough decision and when it is about buying a life long investment (don’t forget your carpet will be with you for many years) no one wants to make the wrong choice.

Of course every home is different and we all have different taste, but there are some basic tips that will help you:

The importance of the carpet in the room

When choosing the color of your carpet, the first question you have to ask yourself is if the carpet is going to be the focus of the room or if you just want it to blend in the decor. If the carpet is going to be the main focal point when entering the room, it is best to choose a color that will contrast strongly with the rest of the colors of the room. On the other hand, if you want to create a balanced space in the same tones, choose a color in the same scale as the rest of the room.

Warm or cold

The colors you choose in your interior have a strong importance and they will have an impact on your behavior and comfort. Warm colors tend to be stimulating, while cold colors give a peaceful and calm impression. You might remember from school the color scale where reds, yellows, oranges and cream colors where categorize as warm, and greys, greens and blues as cold. Even though the carpet is going to be just another element in the ensemble of the room, it will help to give a warm or a cold feeling.

Monochrome or polychrome

One of the big questions regarding the colors is the quantity of color. Shall we choose a plain color carpet or a carpet with a rich pattern and variety of colors? You should keep in mind that a monochrome carpet would give a modern minimalistic touch, while a carpet rich in colors and motifs such a Persian carpet will tend to translate into elegance, sophistication and class. 

Light or dark?

Choosing the intensity of color is another important aspect to consider when deciding the color of your carpet. Even though handmade carpets are quite stain resistant due to the quality and types of materials used, it is important to consider how it will be used in the room and the level of traffic in that space. For instance, the more a carpet is exposed to traffic, the bigger the chance you have of something being spilled on it. A darker carpet would therefore be a good choice for an entrance or a hallway, while light colored carpets are an excellent option in a bedroom.

Don’t blindly follow the trends, adapt them to your own style

Each year or season there are color trends that we can see all over interior design magazines and websites. This can be helpful and give us ideas, but when it comes to carpets, don’t take these trends as the absolute guide. A handmade carpet is normally a long-lasting item that will be in your home for many years, so it has to be timeless in a way. We suggest that you let yourself be inspired by the color trends of the moment, but adapt those trends to your own personal taste and interior. 

Color is without doubt one of the most important elements in the decoration of a room and while most accessories may have a secondary role in your space, a carpet is often a powerful piece that can make your interior come together. It is also in many cases a lifetime investment, so choosing the right color will be key in generating the right feeling and identity for your home.

The most important thing of all is that you are comfortable and happy with your new carpet.

Picture 1. Patchwork carpet
Picture 2. Keshan Patina

Picture 3. Colored Vintage
More styles and carpets on

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