Rugvista Design Verseny!
Transition - Oana Alexandra Cucu
Transition is found everywhere in nature. Nature returns again and again to its original forms. It grows and falls, creating a mathematically rhythm, shown in this design as a geometrized composition.
Tranzitia este intalnita oriunde in natura care revine din nou si din nou la starea initiala. Ea creste si descreste, creand un ritm matematic, reprezentat in compozitie geometrizat.
Információk Oana Alexandra Cucu
My name is Oana and I was born in Timisoara, Romania. This year I graduated from the Faculty of Arts and Design in Timisoara, department of Fashion Design. Currently i`m working as a freelancer in this domain and I also follow the master studies in fashion design as well.
Besides this, I am interested by other creative fields such as decorative arts and design.
Besides this, I am interested by other creative fields such as decorative arts and design.
Numele meu este Oana, sunt nascuta in Timisoara, Romania. Anul acesta am absolvit Facultatea de Arte si Design din Timisoara, sectia design vestimentar. Momentan lucrez ca si freelancer in acest domeniu si urmez studiile masterale tot in aria modei.
Pe langa aceasta preocupare, sunt interesante si de alte domenii creative cum ar fi artele decorative sau designul .
Pe langa aceasta preocupare, sunt interesante si de alte domenii creative cum ar fi artele decorative sau designul .